Friday, December 11, 2009


Everyone had encouraging words the other day and I am feeling better. Not exactly sure what is up with the weight loss but I am definitely feeling better than I have in a long time and I can see small changes so something is happening. I think that everyone's idea of being a little more strict might just do the trick. Unfortunately there is too much coming up with the holidays for me to be support strict for many days coming up. I am not letting it all go or anything but I am not going to take the extra step until January...might as well suffer with all the New Year's Resolution people :-)

I did weigh myself a couple mornings this week and here is how it went:
Monday: down 3lbs from Sunday
Tuesday: up 1 lb from Monday
Wednesday: up 2lbs from Tuesday
Thursday: down 3 lbs from Tuesday

So, either my body is retarded, the scale is retarded or both. Who knows...hopefully this Sunday will be one of the down days but there is no way that my real weight fluctuated that much in 5 days. sigh......

1 comment:

  1. I have a rule that I only touch the scale once a week. If I weighed every day I'd drive myself nuts. My weight can fluctuate about 6 pounds in 24 hours. Of course it all depends on what I've eaten, amount of water, etc. So I think you're fluctuations are pretty much in line.

    Kim's begun the Xmas cooking and baking in earnest, so I've decided I'm gonna have 2 meals off. Xmas eve with my family and Xmas day with hers. Good luck.
