Monday, December 7, 2009

Weigh In Day

Well, I think that I might stop blogging about this for a seems to be the same thing up and down, up and is funny because overall it is going down but it just seems to be such a roller coaster I will go down a pound and a half, then stay the same, then up a pound and then stay the same, then down a pound and a half and the cycle starts all over again.

The part that doesn't really make sense to me is that I am eating way less calories and working out a bit more than I was a few months, why isn't anything happening? Could I work out more? Sure. Could I eat less of the things I like? Sure. But, the important thing to me was to find things that were both healthy and that I liked and didn't feel like I was giving up too much. I didn't want to do a strict diet where I lost a bunch of weight and then go back to things that I liked and gain it all back. I wanted to find replacements for the things that I like so I could not "go back" to things that I missed. I feel like I have been pretty successful in that. I mean there are still some places I could cut and I guess that is what I will work on coming up but other than that.....I am not sure there is much else I can do other than be patient and hope that eventually it will work.

I got a little sad when I looked back at when I did weight watchers a couple years ago (2yrs) and I was about 15lbs lighter....not when I started it but when I stopped...when I started I was probably only 4 lbs lighter than now. I want to get back to that weight.

Anyway, I am not sure there is much else to talk about in relation to all of is turning out to be a lot harder than it has ever been when I feel like I am eating a lot healthier than I ever had. (I even feel better healthwise) so I might not blog about it anymore. Maybe I will be better when the new year comes and will jump back on the band wagon with everyone trying to lose weight (not that I am going to stop between now and then with the eating healthy and cooking and stuff).


  1. maybe to actually lose you do have to be stricter and cut more and then go to the plan that you are currently on which sounds like a great way to maintain.

    I haven't been very good since my bday week. December is hard. Going to start better after holidays.

    Don't beat yourself up!

  2. I finally got back to where I was before going on our Thanksgiving trip today. I'm looking forward to getting to a point where I can make the switch from actively trying to loose weight to trying maintain.

  3. It sounds like you are doing a good job at maintaining. After babies each time I had to get really strict to lose the weight and now I work more on a daily check that pretty much dictates how much I can "splurge" or keep things in check - sweet treat or cereal for dinner days.

    Matt has been trying to lose some weight and had a lot of success bringing lunch and snacks to work - sandwich, pretzels, yogurt and several pieces of fruit. Sounds boring, but I think once you get used to it you also look forward to the natural sugar in fruit and it is very little processed food. He is also running like crazy and said he is making sure he does not just go through the motions, but really pushing himself. His times have really improved as well. He still goes for the occasional sweet it is just different now - tootsie roll instead of ice cream, one small cupcake instead of two, etc. He has had a lot of luck with that and really lost a lot of weight fairly quickly (25 lbs in 2 months) and is now keeping most habits, but indulging a little more.

  4. Thanks guys for all the ideas. I think that I have probably found a good plan for maintaining so maybe it is truly time to be a little stricter for a while and see if that can help me lose a bit and then go back to maintaining. What I didn't want to get into was a yo-yo back and forth so maybe it is good that I got the maintaining part down I know for sure that this will help me maintain and now I can just step it up a bit to lose. I think that the yo-yo people are super strict and lose weight but can't maintain the strictness forever so they go back to old habits and can't maintain. Maybe I went about it backwards but now that I think about it, I think that this will help me that I did it this way!

    I think that I just get frustrated because I eat so much healthier than I used to and never had a problem losing weight before. Oh well, guess I am getting old.

    @Megan - I do find that woring out more is the weeks that I do lose a bit. Funny what you said about the pushing it....I did that exact thing in spin last night...turned it up higher than I normally would and pushed harder...I didn't burn that many more calories but I could feel it in my muscles. I also started to add a little weight lifting to my routine...we will see. Also, congrats to Matt on his weight loss!!
