Sunday, July 12, 2009


Part of my wanting to get healthier involves me wanting to incorporate exercise into normal activities that I like to do. Not be a slave to the treadmill. So, today I went on a 25 mile bike ride with C. It was really good. I felt pretty good the whole time and on the way back I sped it up a bit. I think that we made it back about 5-10 mins faster than we went. That is good in my book!

Another part of the wanting to get healthy is not just losing weight (which I don't feel is going well) but doing other things as well. I think that I might start to feature some of these other things once or twice a week.

I will be weighing myself tomorrow. I don't really feel like I have lost any weight this week but I have tried to pay attention to what I eat. I am wondering if the whole writing everything down deal might work best for me. I had to have to do that but if I think that I am eating well but I am not losing weight, something isn't working. Something to think about.

I did manage to exercise a lot this week. I am pretty proud of that because I got in 5 days this week! Yay me!

More tomorrow after I weight myself :-(

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