Tuesday, April 13, 2010


This week I am home and I discovered that other than next week when I will be in Atlanta (which is like home because I can cook there and the cafeteria at work is healthy) I will be in town until my vacation (you know, the one I was supposed to lose 10lbs by but instead have gained a lb). I do have a 2 day trip to Phoenix in there too but I think that I can safely pack some snacks to keep me on track and two days will not ruin a week (I hope).

I have been trying to push the running a bit more and have been exercising pretty regularly since getting home on Friday....I hope it pays off.

I also have a friend who is trying to do WW as well and she is struggling as well so we are checking in with each other all week. We are both hoping that it will help us get back on track. I feel like the eating has been really healthy this week so I hope it sticks :-)

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