Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Why Eating Out is Evil

Ok, we all know that eating out is bad for you. Well, today I was reading some forums and I discovered that outback now has their nutritional information online. Seeing as how that is one of my favorite out of town places to eat I wanted to check it out. The salad I used to get (but without the bacon, egg, and almonds so that would take some of the points down) was 1,000 calories. The baked potato I now get is 330 calories! WITH NOTHING ON IT!! (by the way, a normal baked potato like you make at home is 140 calories). I am really at a loss as to what to do. Traveling is part of my life and I obviously do not have a fast enough metabolism to eat that junk they serve on the road. I also can't survive off of lettuce and vinegar. I really need to think on this one for a while. I see a lot of very plain food in my future travels! Sad.


  1. Maybe you should go on a low carb diet for a while until you get to where you want to be and then add some back. I know this would not work if you continued vegetarian on the road, but I have seen a lot of people have a lot of success eating out and following the low carb thing.

  2. This is something I've been telling anyone who'll listen to me lately. When you don't prepare everything you eat yourself there's no way to know how it's being prepared and what's really in it calorie wise. I don't know what I'd do if I had to eat on the road as much as you do. Maybe beyond salads with vinegar and sushi (don't know if you can eat it or not) I'd try something like subway as much as I could. Kim and I were talking last night and other than planned meals out (vacation, birthdays, days off, etc.) we haven't eaten anything we didn't have control over in 6 months. Good luck...

  3. I don't think that I can do meat so that makes it really hard to do no carbs. I don't eat that many carbs though other than the potatoes. I think that I will replace those with fresh veggies (usually they have steamed ones).

    Zane- you are so right about not knowing. I always assumed it was bad but just didn't realize it was this bad. I don't understand why they add all that stuff....what is the point?

    At least I won't be traveling for a while so I can get it together.
