Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Ok, after my little outburst yesterday I am re-focused. I have tried to be really careful with eating out the last few days (making sure to get the really low fat dressing on salads instead of ceasar) and I have been not been eating bread, and have left half if not most of my meal, stopping when I am satisfied. I hope that this will work and then next week when I am in town again I will really be able to focus.


  1. I've given up on salad dressings at restaurants. I use some type of hot sauce (texas pete, louisiana hot sauce, etc.). Very low calorie, and if you like hot stuff it works out pretty well.

  2. Have to agree with Drena and Zane. The scale has not been moving here either so I am getting ready to cut carbs to almost nothing and only use balsamic vinegar dressing. It seems like when something is made "low fat" they end up subbing in all sorts of other bad for you stuff. It ends up slightly lower fat and all sorts of processed stuff. So, not really better for you. Peanut butter is one of the worst at this.
