Sunday, November 29, 2009

Weigh In Day

Well, I weigh exactly, ounce for ounce, what I did last week. I am a little torn by all of this. On the one hand, with Thanksgiving being this week, I am glad that I did gain anything but I also made an effort to make Thanksgiving healthier. Since I have learned that C will eat whatever, I made my stuffing from scratch...yep, with stale bread and stuff. It was a WW recipe and it was AWESOME. It tasted really good and the only thing I would change is to use less sage next time. The good news was that it was only 2 pts per serving instead of the 6-8 of normal stuffing. I also made green bean casserole with frozen green beans and 98% ff soup, and skim milk. I did put the onions on top but how could I not?? I also made myself a yummy pumpkin cheesecake that was a WW recipe and not many points at all. So, I ate pretty healthy compared to how Thanksgiving could have gone.

Now, the frustrating part is that I am not losing like I feel like I should. I am eating WAY better than I was a few months ago and the scale doesn't seem to move at all. I do feel a TON better and my pants are a little looser and I have lost 5lbs but that just doesn't seem like a lot in the grand scheme of things and when I want to lose about 15-18 more. UGH. I try to focus on the positive but I just feel like if I am working out 5 days a week and eating healthy that the weight should leave me a little faster.....guess I am wrong and at least the scale is going down.

This week I am traveling but have CPE during most of my lunch times so I will not be forced to eat with clients at unhealthy places. I think that I might do Subway most days. I can get a decent for me lunch (though it is not my favorite but it will do) and then I will have a little more room for dinners, which I am going to try to plan out. I also am taking my Jillian DVD that I did the other day (and it was surprisingly hard and I was sore for 2 days even though I spin 5 times a week) and am going to force myself to do it at least 3 times.

Wish me luck.....

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