Thursday, January 14, 2010


So far, so good this week. The last two days I have done an hour ride on my bike (at 500 calories burned each time) and then today I am going to a spin class at the gym and possibly staying for a yoga class. I have been wanting to retry yoga for a while because I did it at one time and found it very relaxing and I like the stretching. I would like to try it before they start charging for the classes (that still makes me so mad). Then I plan to do a short ride tomorrow on my bike (about 30 mins) and the two spin classes on Saturday morning. Then it will be time to weigh in again.

As I go on this adventure to lose weight (but also a journey to get healthier in general) I have been reading a lot of books. The latest one that I read Eating Animals has pretty much made me decide that I am no longer going to buy meat that is not raised on a true farm. The book is pretty much an advocate for vegetarianism but I just am not sure I could do that. I don't think that I like enough things that have protein in them but that aren't meat. He also makes the point of if you are going to buy meat, know where it comes from. I have found a farm near here (about an hour and a half drive) that raises cows on their farm (they actually have online pics of them in the pastures and stuff) and then you can purchase packages (some small, some larger) or a 1/4 of a cow. I am considering doing this. Unfortunately it is not available until next Nov/Dec because that is when the cows are ready. Until then I think that there is another farm that comes to a local market on Saturdays that also raise their cattle themselves so I can do that. Their prices are not as good but it shouldn't be about money. I am also considering doing an egg share (like a crop share but eggs, need to research how many you get at a time though because we don't use a ton or maybe I should find more recipes with them in it). Did you know that most chickens that lay eggs only get a cage the size of a piece of paper and the ones they raise for meat COULDN'T walk around, even if they wanted to? That breaks my heart. The book is really sad but I highly recommend it because it really does make you think. He also makes the point that once Americans start demanding that animals are treated better, it will happen. Money talks and that is why I can't give them anymore money (and yes, I know I am only one person but I will feel better and maybe one of you will read it too). I also have decided that I am going to be a vegetarian on the road. I have no way of knowing where the meat that restaurants are using comes from (unless they make a point to say it is grass-fed or organic or something) or if it is even meat. I think that this will be one of the hardest adjustments that I will have ever made. I seem to eat chicken at every meal on the road. Who knew? I am going to really try though so if anyone has any advice, let me know. I am not trying to lecture anyone and everyone has to make their own choices in life, but if learning more about where your meat comes from, this is definitely a good read.

Next up on the list is Good Calories, Bad Calories (thanks Drena) and then the Omnivore's Dilemma (which is actually references a bit in Eating Animals.

1 comment:

  1. One of my friend's here in Calhoun just bought 1/2 a cow from a farm he lives next to. We have a local butcher that will process your cow, give you what parts you want and will sell the rest. Pretty cool for our little town.

    Kim has been wanting to buy chickens for us to have and raise for eggs. I'm trying hard not to end up with birds walking around in my front yard.

    I've got to make SURE Kim never reads any of these books. I've already had my meat intake severely restricted, I can't imagine what would happen if she got into those books.
