Sunday, January 17, 2010


Weigh In Day. Never thought I would get excited about this but I am now that I had a good result this morning. I lost another 2lbs (down a total of 7 since I started). This is a victory for a few reasons. 1. I lost weight for the second week in a row (don't think I have done that since I started this journey). 2. It means I kept the loss from last week off. 3. I didn't really have to stop eating anything that I normally eat (I ate everything the same, but I just measured to make sure I was only eating a serving and also made sure that I stopped when I was satisfied and not full). 4. I had a total of 5 beers this week so I didn't have to sacrifice my social life (as minimal as it is here, I was proud of this fact...especially since it is the most beer I have had in a week in gosh knows how long).

This past week I just really made sure that I counted everything that went in my mouth. It was my tough week of the month and so I made sure I counted the multiple servings of cheezits that I snacked on and the two Reese's cups that I ate one day. It really wasn't that bad. I did exercise a lot this week. One hour of spin class gives me 7 pts and I had a total of 36 pts by the end of the week. That is pretty good. You can use the pts to eat more food (which I usually have to do because I get so hungry when I exercise more) but this week I still had 29 of those points unused (though I usually will still lose weight even using all of them). That means that had I not has any of the beer, I would have been within my points. Quite an accomplishment over past weeks and proof that you don't have to eat low fat, fake food (though some of what I ate was) and you can eat wholesome food in moderate quantities and even enjoy yourself and still lose weight. YAY me!

In other news, I contacted the farm that has the cows that are grassfed, here to ask them how much room the 1/4 of a cow would take up in the freezer (we have a whole fridge/freezer downstairs that we never use so why not use it) and to see if they ever had any beef any other time of the year. Well, it turns out that they still had some 1/4s left this year (since they just did it all in dec and since they process all at the same time but didn't sell it all) and so I have emailed her back to get our 1/4 of a cow! I am super excited about this meat. It is probably some of the best for you meat you can get and it is actually a good price. It is $5 a pound which is about what I pay at the local grocery for some of their no hormone/no antibiotic beef (though it is probably still factory farm beef with animals treated bad and with them eating grain), but it is less than I would pay for more quality cuts and a little more than I would pay for ground beef (by only $1 a lb). It kind of sucks to have to go and get the meat because it is far away but it is only a once a year thing so I can suck it up. I am pretty excited about taking these steps into eating beef that is even better for us and not having to sacrifice it because of the factory farming practices.

Now to find some chicken and eggs (actually, I found an egg share that I might join. you get a dozen every other week and it is cheaper than in the store for cage-free which I learned really doesn't mean much). Oh well. If you are interested in finding local meat in your area that is healthier you can go here and search by state. If you are interested in finding a CSA (fruit and veggies) then you can try here. I am not an expert but the more I read, the more I learn.

1 comment:

  1. Let me know how the cow is. I've always heard that "true" grass fed beef tastes different.
