Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Well, today was not the best of days. I woke up a little hungry and ate my normal breakfast but still felt really hungry. That is pretty unusual. Usually I don't feel hungry after breakfast and I don't until around 10:30 or 11 when I have a snack. Hmmm. It seems like through the afternoon I was hungry too even though I ate all the normal stuff for the day (and even a little extra because of being so hungry this morning).

Tomorrow I leave town until Saturday. I will still eat most meals at home tonight (not sure what to do about dinner yet since my flight leaves at 7 but gets in at 9, maybe a big lunch and a bar??). I have been pretty good on the points for the week (minus today) so I should have a few saved up that I can use this weekend.

Next week I am pretty worried about. My senior and I have picked out the places we are going to eat (sadly it is all we have to look forward to on the trip) but when I looked up the nutritional facts there were very little items that didn't contain meat (and I really want to avoid it if possible at all) and most of the items that didn't contain meat were very high in calories. I can't eat just lettuce and vinegar and oil for all my meals. I looked up the veggie burger for Ruby Tuesday and it is 923 calories!! That is 20.5 pts on WW and I only get 21 for a whole day! I think that includes the cheese and mayo (and I don't eat mayo) but still. That is a lot of calories. Anyone have any suggestions? We are eating at the following places:
Ruby Tuesday
Outback (there is a salad I like here that comes with chicken salad and isn't too bad caloriewise so will be better without chicken salad on it)
Random "All-American" type place...I can get a side salad and baked potato there
Japanese Steakhouse - I plan on just getting the rice and veggies..still high in calories but I don't normally eat all of it.
Red Bone Alley

I know that I can maintain because I have done it for the last few trips but after looking up the restaurants tonight, I am not sure that I can lose. So, it will be ok in the future once I reach my goal weight but it sort of sucks when I am on such a roll.

I look forward to any suggestions :-)

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