Sunday, January 24, 2010

Weigh In Day

I haven't been as good about staying with the blog again, but today is weight in. I am down another 1.6lbs. That is 3 weeks in a row with a loss and down 6.4lbs since Jan 1st. I am pretty excited about that.

I have worked out quite a bit this past week but I also have gotten better about only eating the amount of points that I should eat for the week and it is getting a lot easier. I am still eating unprocessed and wholesome foods.

I am a little nervous about next week because I travel again. I am going to try to make sure I get a lot of exercise in before my trip and then eat healthy while I am there. It might not be so bad since I will only be gone for 3 days. The week after I am going to traveling for 5 days so that might be a little tougher but I have tried to plan out where we will eat for most of our meals (though subway is out now because of the processed meat) so I am hoping that will help. I also booked the hotel that has new treadmills (just installed in Dec) and they have TVs attached. I am hoping to get in an hour walk before dinner each night to try to keep up some of the exercise.


  1. Good job and good luck with the traveling.

  2. Awesome! I can cook on Friday instead of going out to eat as well if you like. Just let me know! Might be easier with Oliver anyway...
