Monday, August 24, 2009

.4 sticks...

I moved the scale into the bathroom last night and C promptly told me to move it back out until it was ready (the bathroom). I explained that I needed it today and he suggested that I use it on the carpet...clearly coming from someone who has never had to weight himself. UGH. Anyway, it stayed all night in the bathroom but still didn't work until the 3rd time I stepped on it this morning but the .4 stuck.

Yesterday I did really well with the eating. If I hadn't had a tiny bit of ice cream (I actually measured it this time so it was about half the amount I normally have :-)) I would have right in my points. I even did pretty well today....I used a few of my weekly points today but I felt like I ate really healthy and the only thing I had that was processed was a powerbar.

I did go to the grocery here to get some nectarines, dried cranberries, and supreme bars. I checked the cranberries and there is only cranberries and sugar (no ingredients I didn't know) and then the supreme bars aren't great but I feel like they will be better for me than the other things I could get at the hotel. My plan for the next few days is to have a bar, a piece of fruit and my latte. Unfortunately, that is 9 of the 21 points I get for the day but I am hoping it will help with the hunger the rest of the day. I still need to work more on the drinking water part!

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