Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 22

Today was a good day for me as far as making good choices. I stuck with my breakfast of my latte (for the milk and caffeine), the nectarine and then around 10am the powerbar. It worked pretty well. We went to lunch around 12:30 and I was pretty hungry but I made it. At lunch we went to Panera and normally I would order the french onion soup in a bread bowl and eat the whole bread bowl (total of 12 points and mostly bread) but today I had a half a chicken salad sandwhich on multigrain bread and then french onion soup with no cheese or croutons (but had a baggette) so it was 10.5 points and I had lettuce and the protein of the chicken so I feel like it was a better use of points as well.

Tonight at dinner I had fish with some potatoes and a touch of bread and pasta. I only ate about half of my meal and was satisfied and then I had some dried cranberries as a snack about 3 hours later.

All in all, I think that I had a good eating day today. I feel good about it all and I think that even though I might have eaten close to the same calories for some things but I think that the calories were more useful....less processed stuff and more that my body can use. I also didn't get to the water recommendation but I did drink more water today than I have the last few days.

I am considering trying to do a natural foods detox plan if I ever get 7 days in a row in town. It is not one of those crazy "drink this pepper/maple syrup/lemonade" mixture and laxatives detox, it is more just eating raw stuff and cutting out meat and dairy for a week. You basically just eat all natural stuff (fruit, veggies, potatoes, brown rice, fish, unsalted nuts, unsalted seeds, honey, garlic, olive oil, that type of stuff). I think that it wouldn't be that much different from what I do now with the exception of the meat, bread, and dairy...the dairy might be the hardest because I would have to give up my lattes and my caffeine (no coffee either). I might try to do it even on a week I am traveling but I have a feeling I would have to eat a lot of plain salads and I am not sure I could sustain it. I think that I would have better luck at home where I could get stuff that was good at the grocery...only problem is that that could take a month before I will have a whole week at home. Has anyone tried anything like this before? I feel like it would be in line with my eating less processed food and would be good for my body...win/win. You can't do it for very long cause there is no protein but the website I found recommended a week.

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