Friday, August 21, 2009

Day 19

If I was counting days then this would be Day 19 and since I can't come up with a better title, here I am :-)

This week I was on the road until last night and faced with the challenges of traveling and having to eat out all week. I think that I did pretty well. I definitely had breakfast under control the first few days and I made good decisions for lunch. Dinner was a little harder and all my extra points for the week are gone. I did exercise 4 times this week so that was a good step for me.

One thing that I learned this week is that maybe I should find something more filling to eat for breakfast. Normally I have a latte and then some frosted wheat or honeynut cheerios. I did this on Monday and Tuesday and actually Wednesday too, but on Wednesday I was still starving. I decided to go downstairs and get pancakes. I had no idea how big they were and I ate all of it. I wasn't hungry again until 2pm and even then I could have waited longer. So, to test my theory, on Thursday I had a pancake again (only one this time) and I was full again until about 1:30 and wasn't starving then. Now I am trying to think of what I can eat at home to have the same effect. I think that it will help start my day better. Any ideas (and it must be stuff I can get on the run or out of town), let me know.

Weigh in is on Sunday so hopefully I did well this week. It will be my first week on the road but I will be gone again next week so it will be good to see if I was able to make good choices or not.

8/21 stats:
Daily Points: 21
Activity Points: 3.5
Points Used: 19 (still have dinner and pizza is planned)
Flex Points Left: 0
Water Consumed: 8 ozs (really bad!!)


  1. Breakfast for me is usually: oatmeal, protein bar, banana, string cheese, sometimes a boiled egg (i boil lots of eggs in advance). I use to also eat 1/2 a bagel sometimes instead of the oatmeal and put a scoop of peanut butter on it. I often have 450 calories for breakfast and I'm hardly ever that hungry at night. Good luck on Sunday!

  2. unfortunately the only thing I like thing I like in that list is the protein bar and the string cheese (which is hard on the road without a fridge and because you always have to buy a 12 pack though I guess I could use them for snacks too. I could also maybe get a bagel at the hotel....

    I think that when I have breakfast at the hotel I am going to attempt an english muffin with either sugarfree jelly or pb, an apple and my latte...that is around 400 cals so hopefully it will help. Thanks for the suggestions. I am definitely learning that a big breakfast might help me.
