Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 61- 1.4 down

Yay! I weighed in yesterday and was not sure I would be down. I ate within my points all week (stats later, I am on my bb) but when I did a couple of sneak peak weigh ins the scale had not moved so I wasn't super confident. I was glad to be done with the plateau and/or gains (at least I hope). The next few weeks will be hard because I am on the road all three weeks. This week I am sort of on my own (or can at least make excuses to be) next week I am in Atlanta and not really "on the road" so as long as I can be careful when meeting friends, I should be good. The third week is a different story and is vacation! I am just going to have a goal of not gaining anything on that trip :-)

More later but right now I am going to nap on the plane. I had to get up at 3:45am today. Yuck!

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