Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Not Getting Better

So, yesterday was hard and today hasn't been much better. I feel like I just want to eat everything in sight. I know that part of it is the fact that I am a woman and one week a month I literally want to eat everything that I can get my hands on. I haven't really ever come up with a good way to control it and I am not sure I will ever be able to...I know you are supposed to eat less sodium and that should help so I am trying that and I have eaten a lot of fruit so that at least if I am eating a lot it will be somewhat good for me. UGH.

Tonight I had dinner with the girls....Mexican. Normally at Mexican I will pretty much polish off the cheese dip on my own and will be stuffed afterwards but I feel like I did a little bit better tonight. I didn't do so well to say no to the cheese dip (good job D, you were so good) but I did eat less. I also tried to be somewhat healthy with my meal choice of tacos and a side salad. The dressing was really spicey so I didn't eat a lot of it. I didn't do as well as I could have by eating ahead of time but I don't really have anything here to eat ahead of time.

I am starting to worry that I will not lose again this week and might even gain. The thing is, I could use the excuse of being out of town but I just can't. Half my life is spent out of town and I have got to learn to do it. I feel like I am making better choices but still not the best choices.

The other day a friend of mine told me that she learned to stop eating when she was full. She said it was harder than dieting and I believe her. I really struggle with that. I hate leaving food on my plate and I eat fast so I always feel like I should keep eating when other people are still eating. Obviously these are some of the additional obstacles that I need to cross and I hope that I can. This has not been as easy as I thought. The first week was easy but not being home and in my comfort zone has been hard.

The good news is that I did go to a spin class today so that is at least a few hundred calories that I burned....and I had a few servings of fruit today which is more than I normally have. Baby steps....

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