Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 50

So, I couldn't believe that I had gained weight last week so I had to weigh in again this morning. My weigh in this morning was no weight gained...much better but I will not count it as my official weigh. This week so far has been much better. I have stayed within my points each day with counting the weekly points so I hope that I can keep it up for the rest of the week and see a little bit of loss on Sunday. I know that breakfasts and lunches will be easy this week so the main challenge will be dinner. Tomorrow I am going to one of my favorite restaurants in Atlanta and will be sure to load up my plate with lots of veggies instead of noodles and meat (though I will have some). I plan to have a salad as part of my lunch and then whatever else there is that is healthy in the cafeteria. They post the nutritional facts online so I can look it all up. I was down yesterday but I feel renewed today. Day 50 is way too far into this for me to still be going back and forth...time to get serious!! As you can see from the stats, there is still room for improvements :-)

Here are my stats for yesterday:
Daily pts: 24/21 (remained counted in weekly pts used up)
Activity pts: 0
Weekly pts used up (running total): 7/35
Veggies: 3/5
Milk: 1/2
Water: 2/8


  1. How much water do you typically take in? I've read quite a few other blogs and I've noticed a common theme of people struggling with consuming enough water.

  2. Well, I used to drink between 80 and 100 ounces a day....and it was so natural. I never felt like I was having to count and I was thirsty when I didn't drink it. Now, it is probably more around 30ounces a day unless I exercise and then I drink a bottle during that time so about 50ozs. I used to wonder how people could not drink enough water and now here I am. I blame a couple things for my change. 1. travel...I don't want to have to get up on the plane to pee so I don't drink as much if I have to get on a plane which is 2 days a week. 2. diet coke. I used to always order water out and then i started ordering diet coke on the road because I was tired. I am working on the not being tired so i have started to drink a lot more water out. 3. Craig has extremely hard water and it tastes like crap..I can barely choke it down. I have discovered that it is a little better out of an aluminum bottle and I bought lemons to put in it to help but we need to get a water softener and hopefully it will taste better. I am actually going to look for a filter that I can just put in the fridge this weekend.

    I definitely had an easier time being at a healthier weight when I drank more water so I am going to make an effort to get back to it. now that I have identified the excuses I can tick them off one by one :-)

    What other blogs do you read about health that are good?

  3. Most of the blogs I read now are on the Nutrisystem site. Some of the info is good, some is ridiculous.

    We have a filter that is in the fridge and on attached to the faucet in the kitchen. Since getting the filters I kicked my Diet Dr. Pepper addiction and drink only water now (well, I add Crystal Lite).

  4. which filters do you have? We can't have one on the facet until we get a softener because the calcium in the hard water will clog it in a day....we had to disconnect the filter in the fridge for that reason. It is REALLY bad!!
