Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 51

I am feeling much better about everything today. I thought about the fact that Zane had said he was reading blogs about Nutrisystem and I decided to find some weight watchers blogs to add to my blog roll :-) I found this one and look at this yummy dessert..I am going to make it for this weekend I think....

Here are my stats for yesterday:
Daily pts: 29/21 (remained counted in weekly pts used up)
Activity pts: 0
Weekly pts used up (running total): 15/35
Veggies: 3/5
Milk: 2/2
Water: 5/8

Today I did even better on the water so it is starting to come around. I also noticed that a pair of pants that I had worn last time I was in Atlanta (a month ago) were looser than they were the last time I wore them. They are a pair of my "fat pants" and all day I spent pulling them up. That was a good feeling.

I also have discovered another trend for me. It seems as though every time I have something salty, I seem to crave something sweet afterwards. It happened to me today with pasta at lunch (tomato based but seemed a little on the salty side) and then tonight with my stir fry (has more of a salty taste than sweet). Both times I wanted something sweet afterward. Maybe the key to not eating sweets is to eat less salty stuff. That theme has come up before and the week that I did the detox I definitely felt less bloated all week. Food for thought for sure. Aren't you guys glad you get to come on this journey with me :-)

1 comment:

  1. Back years ago when I trained with guys that were competitive body builders they used a trick during their diets before a competition (they would take their body fat down to 2% or less for a short time). They would put bot hot sauce (like texas pete or something) along with nutrisweet or equal on their meals. This would supposedly curb any later cravings. I tried it occasionally, but the taste of hot/sweet canned tuna with rice just didn't do it for me.
